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Expert Instruction, Coaching, and Guidance to take students actuarial exam preparation well beyond the limits of self-study.
Call today: 1 (855) 762-EXAM
ASA & FSA Level Exam Prep
Tutoring Options
Personalized For Your Learning
Highly experienced and top qualified instructor to prepare with
Personalized instruction and coaching
Teaching customized to student’s learning needs
Student masters understanding of exam syllabus topics
Student masters approach, attacking, and solving of exam problems
Guidance and confidence building throughout
Constant monitoring of student progress
Instructor leads student to be in position to pass
Highly experienced and top qualified instructor for group members to prepare with
Hands-on instruction and coaching for each group member
Students master understanding of exam syllabus topics
Students master approach, attacking, and solving of exam problems
Guidance and confidence building throughout
Constant monitoring of each student’s progress
Instructor leads each group member led to be in position to pass
Programs led by highly experienced and top qualified instructors
Comprehensive and structured exam prep programs
Students master understanding of exam syllabus topics
Students master approach, attacking, and solving of exam problems
Instructor leads each group member to be in position to pass
Group Programs
Our Process
Proven Method That Works
Live exam instruction allows the instructor to teach the student, coach the student, and constantly monitor the progress of the student, maximizing the student’s preparation for exam success.
Our Instructors
Expert Instructors recruits only the top actuarial exam instructors in the profession who possess the knowledge, experience, and teaching ability necessary to lead students to exam success.

Our Students
Success Stories
Since 2003, has helped students throughout the world prepare for and conquer these challenging actuarial exams on their way to success in the profession

Highlighted Resource
AET Mentoring Program
This program offers students choosing to major in actuarial science invaluable information, guidance, and mentoring during their college career and post college.
Success Is Around The Corner
Get Started Today! is 100% dedicated towards each student’s personal success in both passing their actuarial exams and continued growth in the profession.