Actuary Exam Tutor Proud Partner of ACTEX Learning

Exam P Preparation Program for January 2022 Sitting

Starting September 14th

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Exam FM Preparation Program for December 2021 Sitting

Starting August 10th

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Exam IFM Preparation Program for November 2021 Sitting

Starting August 11th

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Exam STAM Preparation Program for October 2021 Sitting

Starting August 7th

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Exam LTAM Preparation Program for October 2021 Sitting

Starting August 7th

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ASA Exam Mastery LIVE

ActuaryExamTutor and ACTEX Learning are pleased to co-partner ASA Exam Mastery LIVE, a new live program series for students preparing for exams P, FM, IFM, STAM, and LTAM.

These dynamic exam preparation programs combine the most advanced network of study tools, the ACTEX Learning Study Manual Program with live weekly instruction throughout the programs, providing a powerful program package that has never been offered before.  Depending on whether you are at the beginner, intermediate, or advanced level, enter at one of three points in the exam program, for the individual and custom instruction that is most appropriate for your study schedule and level of preparedness. Greatly advance your preparation skills not only from the hands-on teaching and personal coaching from your exam instructor, but also from their online office hours, timely replies to your questions on the program’s community board, and the invaluable guidance they will provide you for your self-study.  Your exam instructor will initially assess your strengths and weaknesses, and consistently monitor your sustained progress, using the GOAL tool (which offers an immense database of practice problems, practice quizzes, and simulated exams) to also curate assignments for your personal exam preparation needs. Also take advantage of the program’s community forum where students will be able to share questions, ideas, and feedback with fellow students and their instructor.

Each exam program is appropriate for exam takers of all levels, with your instructor developing the exam preparation road map for you to pass, allowing you to focus on studying rather than what to study. Each exam program is designed to give you all of the very best resources for guided and self-study along with the priceless instruction of an experienced and accomplished instructor who will not only guide your progress, but will teach you the critical concepts, and demonstrate problem solving and exam taking skills critical to passing. These exam preparation programs are the first of its kind and are designed to be the custom tool you need to succeed.


Join a free live intro to program webinar, each webinar led by the program’s exam instructor, who will share detailed information about the exam preparation program and answer any questions which you have.

Actuary Exam Tutor Proud Partner of ACTEX Learning

ASA Exam Mastery LIVE Program Intro to Program Webinars